Sony CMD Z1

Sony CMD Z1 Screen Size Dimensions

Sony CMD Z1 screen size dimensions, viewport size, pixel density and more information.


WIDTH 97 px
HEIGHT 32 px
DISPLAY TYPE Monochrome graphic
PHYSICAL SIZE MM 99 x 64 x 24 mm
RELEASE DATE Released 1997


The Sony CMD Z1, released in 1997, is a feature phone that boasts a unique monochrome graphic display. The screen has a width of 97 pixels and a height of 32 pixels, providing a clear and concise visual experience. With a physical size of 99 x 64 x 24 mm (3.90 x 2.52 x 0.94 in), this device is designed to be compact and portable, making it convenient for on-the-go use.

The display type of the Sony CMD Z1 is monochrome graphic, which ensures that the screen is easy to read in various lighting conditions. Additionally, the aspect ratio of 3 1/48 contributes to the device's clear and well-proportioned visual output. Despite its compact size, the screen offers a comfortable viewing experience, making it suitable for various tasks such as messaging, making calls, and accessing basic features.

The Sony CMD Z1's display, with its unique screen size and monochrome graphic type, sets it apart in the feature phone category. Its compact physical dimensions and clear visual output make it a practical and user-friendly device for communication and basic mobile tasks.