Sony CMD J5

Sony CMD J5 Screen Size Dimensions

Sony CMD J5 screen size dimensions, viewport size, pixel density and more information.


WIDTH 96 px
HEIGHT 92 px
DISPLAY TYPE Grayscale graphic, 4 shades
PHYSICAL SIZE MM 123 x 45 x 20 mm
RELEASE DATE Released 2000


The Sony CMD J5, released in 2000, features a grayscale graphic display with a screen width of 96 pixels and a screen height of 92 pixels. The physical size of the device is 123 x 45 x 20 mm (4.84 x 1.77 x 0.79 inches), making it compact and portable. The screen size in inches is not specified, but based on the screen width and height, it can be estimated to be around 1.5 inches. The aspect ratio of 1 1/24 is unique and differs from the standard 4:3 or 16:9 ratios commonly found in modern devices.

In terms of screen size and resolution, the Sony CMD J5 does not align with current industry standards and user expectations. With a small screen size and low resolution, it may not meet the demands of users accustomed to larger, higher resolution displays found in modern smartphones. However, it's important to consider that the device was released over two decades ago, and at that time, the screen size and resolution may have been sufficient for the intended usage, which was primarily for calling and text-based communication.

As a feature phone, the Sony CMD J5 was not designed for multimedia consumption or advanced graphical interfaces, so the grayscale graphic display with 4 shades was suitable for its intended purpose. While it may not meet current industry standards, the device represents a milestone in mobile phone technology and serves as a reminder of how far display technology has advanced since its release.