Sony CMD C1

Sony CMD C1 Screen Size Dimensions

Sony CMD C1 screen size dimensions, viewport size, pixel density and more information.


WIDTH 97 px
HEIGHT 32 px
DISPLAY TYPE Monochrome graphic
PHYSICAL SIZE MM 139 x 45 x 26 mm
RELEASE DATE Released 1999


The Sony CMD C1, released in 1999, features a monochrome graphic display with a screen width of 97 pixels and a screen height of 32 pixels. The physical size of the screen is 139 x 45 x 26 mm (5.47 x 1.77 x 1.02 in) and it has an aspect ratio of 3 1/48. The display technology used in this device provides a clear and sharp visual experience for users.

The monochrome graphic display ensures that the device is power-efficient while still delivering essential information to the user. Despite the relatively low screen resolution, the display is suitable for the intended purpose of the device, which is a feature phone. The compact physical size of the screen makes it suitable for one-handed operation and enhances the overall portability of the device.

As a feature phone, the Sony CMD C1 provides a simple and straightforward user interface, and the monochrome graphic display complements this functionality. The screen size, though not specified in inches, is designed to provide adequate visibility for basic phone functions such as calling, messaging, and simple menu navigation. Overall, the display technology and features of the Sony CMD C1 cater to the practical needs of a feature phone, offering a functional and efficient user experience.