Sony CM-DX 2000

Sony CM-DX 2000 Screen Size Dimensions

Sony CM-DX 2000 screen size dimensions, viewport size, pixel density and more information.


WIDTH 97 px
HEIGHT 33 px
DISPLAY TYPE Monochrome graphic
PHYSICAL SIZE MM 147 x 46 x 27 mm
RELEASE DATE Released 1997


The Sony CM-DX 2000, released in 1997, is a feature phone that boasts a monochrome graphic display type with a screen width of 97 pixels and a screen height of 33 pixels. The physical dimensions of the device measure 147 x 46 x 27 mm (5.79 x 1.81 x 1.06 in), making it compact and portable. The screen size in inches is not explicitly provided, but the aspect ratio is specified as 2 15/16.

The monochrome graphic display of the Sony CM-DX 2000 delivers a basic yet functional visual experience, suitable for its time of release. With its compact physical size, the device is designed for easy handling and convenient portability. The screen resolution, while modest by today's standards, was in line with the technology available at the time, and it provided a satisfactory viewing experience for the intended usage of a feature phone.

The Sony CM-DX 2000's screen size and resolution, coupled with its monochrome graphic display, catered to the functional and practical needs of users in 1997. The device's display type and dimensions were well-suited for its primary purpose as a feature phone, offering a clear and legible interface for basic phone functions. While modern users may find its specifications limited, the Sony CM-DX 2000 represented a significant advancement in mobile technology during its era.