Motorola DROID 2 Global

Motorola DROID 2 Global Screen Size Dimensions

Motorola DROID 2 Global screen size dimensions, viewport size, pixel density and more information.


WIDTH 480 px
HEIGHT 854 px
PX DENSITY ~265 ppi
PHYSICAL SIZE MM 116.3 x 60.5 x 13.7 mm
OPERATING SYSTEM Android 2.2, up to 2.3
RELEASE DATE Released 2010, November


The Motorola DROID 2 Global features a 3.7-inch TFT display with a screen resolution of 480 x 854 pixels, resulting in a pixel density of approximately 265 pixels per inch. This aligns with industry standards for smartphones released around the same time, offering a sharp and detailed viewing experience for users. The 9:16 aspect ratio of the screen is in line with the prevalent widescreen format, accommodating various types of content and providing a modern viewing experience.

In terms of user expectations, the screen size and resolution of the DROID 2 Global meet the standards for a smartphone of its time, providing a balance between compactness and usability. The pixel density ensures that text and images are displayed with clarity, catering to the expectations of users who prioritize sharp visuals. Additionally, the physical dimensions of the device, measuring 4.58 x 2.38 x 0.54 inches, contribute to a form factor that was popular among consumers at the time of its release.

The device runs on the Android 2.2 operating system, with an upgrade option to version 2.3, offering users access to a wide range of apps and functionalities. Overall, the screen size, resolution, and physical dimensions of the Motorola DROID 2 Global align with industry standards and cater to the expectations of users seeking a compact yet capable smartphone.