Siemens C35i

Siemens C35i Screen Size Dimensions

Siemens C35i screen size dimensions, viewport size, pixel density and more information.


WIDTH 101 px
HEIGHT 54 px
DISPLAY TYPE Monochrome graphic
PHYSICAL SIZE MM 118 x 46 x 21 mm
RELEASE DATE Released 2000


The Siemens C35i is a classic feature phone that was released in 2000. It features a monochrome graphic display with a screen width of 101 pixels and a screen height of 54 pixels. The physical size of the device is 118 x 46 x 21 mm (4.65 x 1.81 x 0.83 in), making it compact and easy to carry around. The screen size in inches is not specified, but based on the screen width and height, it would be a small display suitable for basic phone functions.

The aspect ratio of the screen is 1 7/8, which indicates the proportional relationship between the width and height of the screen. This aspect ratio is characteristic of older monochrome displays commonly found in feature phones of that era. Despite its small size and monochrome display, the Siemens C35i served as a reliable communication device for voice calls and text messages.

The monochrome graphic display technology used in the Siemens C35i provided a simple and power-efficient means of conveying information to the user. While it may not have supported advanced graphics or color, it was sufficient for displaying text, numbers, and simple icons. The device's focus on essential communication functions made it a practical choice for users who prioritized reliability and battery life over advanced multimedia features.