Samsung U450 Intensity

Samsung U450 Intensity Screen Size Dimensions

Samsung U450 Intensity screen size dimensions, viewport size, pixel density and more information.


WIDTH 176 px
HEIGHT 220 px
PX DENSITY ~134 ppi
DISPLAY TYPE TFT resistive touchscreen, 256K colors
PHYSICAL SIZE MM 108 x 53 x 17 mm
RELEASE DATE Released 2009, September


The Samsung U450 Intensity features a 2.1-inch TFT resistive touchscreen display with a resolution of 176 x 220 pixels and a pixel density of approximately 134 pixels per inch. While these specifications may not align with current industry standards for smartphones, it is important to consider that the U450 Intensity was released in 2009 as a feature phone. At the time of its release, the screen size and resolution were in line with the expectations for feature phones, offering a compact display suitable for basic phone functionalities.

The 2.1-inch screen size, although smaller compared to modern smartphones, was well-suited for the device's intended usage as a feature phone. The 176 x 220 pixel resolution provided adequate clarity for viewing text messages, making calls, and navigating the phone's menu. Additionally, the pixel density of approximately 134 ppi ensured that the display delivered decent sharpness for its size, contributing to a satisfactory user experience within the context of feature phone technology in 2009.

The aspect ratio of 19:24 and support for 256K colors further enhanced the visual experience on the Samsung U450 Intensity, allowing for relatively vibrant and colorful display output within the limitations of its technology. Despite not meeting the current standards for smartphone displays, the U450 Intensity's screen size and resolution were well-aligned with the expectations and technological capabilities of feature phones at the time of its release, catering to the needs of users seeking a compact and functional communication device.