Samsung SGH-2400

Samsung SGH-2400 Screen Size Dimensions

Samsung SGH-2400 screen size dimensions, viewport size, pixel density and more information.


WIDTH 115 px
HEIGHT 60 px
DISPLAY TYPE Monochrome graphic
PHYSICAL SIZE MM 108 x 45 x 18.8 mm
RELEASE DATE Released 1999


The Samsung SGH-2400, released in 1999, is a feature phone with a monochrome graphic display. The screen has a width of 115 pixels and a height of 60 pixels, with a physical size of 108 x 45 x 18.8 mm (4.25 x 1.77 x 0.74 in). The aspect ratio is 1 22/24, providing a unique display experience for its time.

The monochrome graphic display of the Samsung SGH-2400 offers several benefits for various user applications. Despite its relatively low resolution, the monochrome display consumes minimal power, allowing for extended battery life, which was a crucial feature for mobile devices of that era. Additionally, the simplicity of the monochrome graphics makes it suitable for displaying text, icons, and basic graphics, making it ideal for tasks such as messaging, making calls, and organizing contacts.

The compact physical size of the device, combined with the monochrome display, also makes it well-suited for outdoor use, as the screen is easily readable in direct sunlight. This feature would have been particularly beneficial for users who needed to use the phone in various lighting conditions, such as outdoor workers or individuals who frequently traveled.

Overall, the Samsung SGH-2400's monochrome graphic display, with its low power consumption, outdoor visibility, and suitability for displaying essential information, made it a practical and reliable device for communication and basic organizational tasks during its time.