Samsung Q105

Samsung Q105 Screen Size Dimensions

Samsung Q105 screen size dimensions, viewport size, pixel density and more information.


WIDTH 128 px
HEIGHT 128 px
DISPLAY TYPE Grayscale graphic, 4 shades
PHYSICAL SIZE MM 112 x 42 x 18.5 mm
RELEASE DATE Released 2001


The Samsung Q105, released in 2001, is a feature phone with a grayscale graphic display. The screen measures 128 pixels in both width and height, with a physical size of 4.41 x 1.65 x 0.73 inches (112 x 42 x 18.5 mm). The screen size in inches is not specified, but it is safe to say that it falls within the standard range for feature phones of that era.

In terms of resolution and size, the Samsung Q105's screen is in line with the common standards for feature phones released around the same time. The 128x128 pixel resolution was typical for monochrome or grayscale displays on feature phones, offering a clear and legible display for text and basic graphics. The physical size of the device also aligns with the compact form factor that was prevalent in feature phones from that period.

The aspect ratio of 1 indicates that the screen has a square shape, which was common for many feature phone displays. This aspect ratio, combined with the 128x128 pixel resolution, provided a balanced and functional display for the device's intended use.

Overall, the Samsung Q105's screen size and resolution, along with its physical dimensions, reflect the design and technological standards of feature phones from the early 2000s, offering a compact and functional display for its time.