Samsung A300

Samsung A300 Screen Size Dimensions

Samsung A300 screen size dimensions, viewport size, pixel density and more information.


WIDTH 128 px
HEIGHT 128 px
DISPLAY TYPE Grayscale graphic, 4 shades
PHYSICAL SIZE MM 81 x 42 x 22 mm
RELEASE DATE Released 2001


The Samsung A300, released in 2001, is a feature phone that boasts a grayscale graphic display with a screen width and height of 128 pixels each. The physical dimensions of the device measure 81 x 42 x 22 mm (3.19 x 1.65 x 0.87 in), making it a compact and portable option for users. The display type of the Samsung A300 is a grayscale graphic with 4 shades, providing clear and legible visuals for users.

The screen technology of the Samsung A300 offers a simplistic yet effective visual experience, catering to the essential needs of a feature phone. With an aspect ratio of 1, the display ensures that content is presented in a balanced and proportionate manner. The screen size in inches is not specified, but the combination of the 128x128 pixel resolution and the physical dimensions results in a display that is suitable for viewing text, basic graphics, and simple user interface elements.

Samsung's A300 is a testament to the brand's commitment to providing reliable and functional communication devices. The grayscale graphic display, with its 4 shades, offers a legible and straightforward visual interface for users to navigate through the phone's features and functionalities. Whether it's viewing messages, making calls, or accessing basic applications, the display of the Samsung A300 ensures that users can interact with the device with ease.